Sunday, May 10, 2009

Graffiti, Signs, Public Art, etc..

Whenever I travel places, I really like to take pictures of any interesting and unique signs, graffiti, street art, public art, etc.... I think a lot of it is either really pretty, funny, or inspirational. Here are some of my best pictures I've gotten. They are from Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Singapore, LA, Santa Barbara, Portland, and Claremont CA. Enjoy!!

Anti religion/catholic church graffiti in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Vintage store in California

Wasteland in LA

American Vintage in LA

Pitzer art

Pitzer art

Pitzer art

Sculpture at a restaurant in Singapore

Restaurant in Singapore

Restaurant in Singapore

Store in Singapore

Street art in Singapore

Street art in Singapore

Street art in Singapore

Poster in Singapore

Public art display in Hong Kong

Resturant sign in Portland

Art in the Portland Ace Hotel

Sign in Portland Ace Hotel

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